Study and critical edition of "Kitab Al-Tanbih Ala Al-Mugalata Wal Tamwih"

Author: Mohammed Banat*


The study deals with the critical edition of the Arabic manuscript number 296 kept in the Escorial monastery in Madrid, and the study of its contents. The manuscript contains the work titled "Kitab Al-Tanbih Ala Al-Mugalata Wal Tamwih" which is a teaching / learning Arabic manual written in mid V century AH / AD XI in the town of Xativa (Valencia). "Kitab Al-Tanbih Ala Al-Mugalata Wal Tamwih" includes 1080 verses which had been written by Arab authors and poets of the pre-Islamic era, from the early Islamic period and the Umayyad and Abbasid societies. The 1080 lines are used to present and explain 79 grammatical and linguistic issues in Arabic. Within the whole compilation 69 lines out of the aforementioned 1080 are accompanied by a commentary. The author of "Kitab Al-Tanbih Ala Al-Mugalata Wal Tamwih" is Abu Hatim Muhammad Ibn Kazir Al-Makhzumi (H/1081 474 AD) who proves through his contribution to this work, to be one of the best grammarians and linguists of the time of the first Taifa, i.e., between the official end of the Caliphate of Córdoba in 1031 AD and shortly before the arrival of the Almoravids after the fall of Toledo in 478 H / 1085 AD. The reason for writing "Kitab Al-Tanbih Ala Al-Mugalata Wal Tamwih" was to acknowledge and state the poor teaching methods and skills of another important and well-known grammarian of the time called Abu- l-Mutarrif Abd Rahmán Ibn Jalaf Ibn Abi Talid Al-Satibi (H/1082 475 AD). The literary dispute that is present in the work of "Kitab Al-Tanbih Ala Al-Mugalata Wal Tamwih" provides data about the personalities of Arabic grammar and linguistics scholars in the VH / XI century AD, the education system of the Arabic language, the cultural and literary life of the Taifa kingdoms, particularly in the eastern regions of Al-Andalus and the material studied in the curriculum of those people who were trained to become teachers and researchers of Arabic. The manuscript is dated to the early sixth century AH / twelfth of the Christian era, specifically in mid- 1120 and is written on Xativa high quality paper in what appears to be an example of the first productions on this subject in this eastern town. Research in Spanish includes the translation and explanation of 127 of the 1080 Arab poetic verses used by the author of the work to achieve his goal of discrediting his professional opponent and claiming his own vast knowledge in Arabic philology and semantics. A second aim of the author was to produce a handbook for learning Arabic in advanced stages.


Key words: Linguistics, Arts, Medieval, Translation, History


*PhD. Arabic Literature (Andalusia Literature), Department of Arabic Language, Faculty of Arts, Al-Quds University, Main Campus, Jerusalem- Abu Dies, Palestine. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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