Author: Mohammed A. M. Arjan*
The study is a prelude to our understanding of the religious Islamic narratives, and the plausibility of application the sociological idea of the Islamic narratives in everyday lives of Muslim realities. However, this study offers a new definition of the Islamic religious narrative and its sources and provides three major elements to the study of religious narratives among Muslim actors, including religious experiences, religious embodiments and construction of religious identity. Studying these elements in empirical and archaeological levels of the Islamic narrative sources bridges the gap between ideal beliefs and daily lived Islam. In this regard, further studies should pay attention to the relationship between Islamic narrative sources, social reality of religious actors and other narratives that could play important roles in producing religious agency.
Keywords: Islamic narratives, religious experiences, religious embodiments, religious identity.
*PhD. Sociology and Anthropology Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia. Independent researcher, Hebron, Paletine. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.